Dynamic User Directory Troubleshooting

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Dynamic User Directory Plugin

I have members on my site but my directory is completely empty.

There are a few reasons this could be happening. 1) Users must have the “Last Name” field filled out on their WordPress profile page in order to appear in the directory. Please verify that you have at least one user with the Last Name filled out. 2) If you have selected to hide certain user roles, you may have accidentally hidden all your users from the directory. Try deselecting those roles to see if users appear in your directory. You may need to modify which users get which roles.

I can only see the member names listed in the directory. None of the meta field values are showing up.

You may be using a membership plugin that is incompatible with DUD. One way to verify that your membership plugin is compatible is to open the DUD plugin settings page and look for the “WordPress Meta Key Names” listbox under the “Meta Fields Settings” section. If you see your custom meta field key names listed in this box, DUD is compatible with your setup.

If your plugin is compatible with DUD, you should also confirm that the meta fields you wish to show in the directory actually have values stored in them when you open a member’s WordPress user profile.

The directory is not displaying the value of a particular meta field for any of my members.

There are a few things you can check. First, make sure at least one of your members definitely has a value in their profile for that meta field key name. Second, make sure that the meta field key name you entered in the DUD settings *exactly* matches the key name as you originally defined it. If these things don’t resolve the issue, you can turn “Debug Mode” to “On” in the DUD settings, then visit the directory page to see the debug output at the top of the screen. Copy all of this output and send it to me in an email for evaluation.

The directory won't display my field defined as type 'Telephone' in MemberPress.

MemberPress stores a Telephone field differently than normal meta fields. As a result, DUD is unable to obtain the field for display. You can redefine the field in MemberPress as plain text and DUD will be able to display it. Then simply format the field as a telephone number in the DUD settings.

I put the DUD shortcode on my BuddyPress 'Members' page but nothing shows up when I publish the page.

The DUD shortcode will not work on the BuddyPress “Members” page. This page is dedicated to the BuddyPress member directory and it will override the DUD shortcode. Simply create a brand new page and place the DUD shortcode there and it should work fine. It will still pull in your BuddyPress fields in the directory listings.

Some members are not showing up in my directory and I can't figure out why.
The most common reason members don’t show up in the directory is that they do not have a Last Name entered on their WordPress profile. To confirm, pick a user who is not showing up and check their WordPress profile page (not the profile page of your membership plugin) for the last name field. If it’s empty, fill it out and then see if they show up in the directory. Some of the known issues related to the WordPress Last Name field are listed below:
BuddyPress – If you installed BuddyPress on a site with existing users, BuddyPress may be clearing out the last name field in the WordPress profile (required for the DUD plugin) when a user updates their BuddyPress extended profile. This is because BuddyPress Extended Profile collects a “Name” field that is separate from the WordPress profile field. For more information, please see this article: https://sgcustomwebsolutions.com/blog/stop-buddypress-from-clearing-wordpress-last-name-field/ MemberPress – If you are collecting member signups using a MemberPress form, make sure that MemberPress is updating the last name field in the WordPress profile. Another possible reason users are not showing up may be due to the way you configured the directory. If you are excluding members either by user role or by rules specified in the Exclude User add-on, it’s possible your restrictions are excluding certain members unexpectedly. You can turn “Debug Mode” to “On” in the DUD settings and visit your directory page to get an idea of who is being excluded. If you cannot decipher the debug output, copy and paste it into an email and send to me for evaluation.
User avatars are not showing up properly in my directory

There is a known conflict between DUD and some Lazy Loader plugins, so if you have a lazy loader plugin installed on your site, please try disabling it.

Custom Sort Field Add-On

I’ve installed and activated the Custom Sort Field add-on but I don't see any custom sort settings on the DUD plugin settings page.

To view the Custom Sort Field Settings, you must first check the “Use Custom Sort Field” box located under the “Main Directory Settings” section. Then a new “Custom Sort Field Settings” section will appear just below this section.

I'm trying to achieve a Custom Sort Field configuration matching one of the demos shown on your website. How do I do this?

I have included a screenshot of the entire DUD settings page for each demo on the site. This is found in the “Settings” link next to the demo name.

How do I get the alphabet letter links to show up at the top of the directory?

Right now the Custom Sort Field add-on does not allow you to show the alphabet letter links at the top. Instead, it displays category links corresponding to each category available (e.g. if your field is Department, it might show category links for Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, etc.). A future update will provide the option to show the alphabet links instead of the category links.

Meta Fields Search Add-On

The Meta Fields Search has suddenly stopped working. How do I fix it?

Meta Fields Search v. 3.2 changed the storage location of the dynamically generated JQuery that is loaded on the front end when you’ve configured the search to show a pre-populated dropdown as the search input box. You must open your DUD settings and click “Save” to generate the JQuery in the correct location. Try this and then see if the search works again.

The search box doesn’t show up on my directory, even though I have the Meta Fields Search Settings filled out.

Under the Main Directory Settings section, make sure you have checked the “Directory Search” box to enable the search capability.